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Chinese-style Hall

The Chinese-style hall is called Dian in China. It is the large single building in traditional Chinese architecture and is generally referred to as Dadian (grand hall). It is also called Zhengdian (central hall) as it is invariably built on the axis of an architectural complex. Corresponding to the rigid ranking system of feudal times, there were strict regulations about the building of palace halls. The Dadian was the grandest of all building, being symbolic of the supreme power of the emperor.

The most famous Chinese Dians are three: Taihedian or the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing's Forbidden City, Dachengdian or the Great Hall in the Confucius Temple of Qufu, and Tiankuangdian or the Hall of Celestial Gift in the Daimiao Temple at the foot of Mt.Taishan. Of the three, the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing is the greatest and most splendid. It measures 28metres high, 11 bays wide and 5 bays deep, totaling 55 bays. Its double-eave, four-sloped roof is covered with yellow glazed tiles. From each end of the main ridge, which is straight and level, fork down two corner ridges, which curve slightly and turn up at the lower corners, presenting a beautiful skyline. All the ridges are decorated with wenshou or zoomorphic ornaments, adding a mystic flavor to grandeur.

At the center of the ornate interior, the emperor's throne, gilded in gold and carved with dragons, stands on a platform flanked by six huge columns also entwined with gilded dragons. The caisson ceiling high above carries a dragon carved in relief playing with pearls and has a big glass-ball mirror hanging down from the centre.

Taihedian is the main hall of the palace, where grand ceremonies took place and important edicts were read and issued during the days of the emperors. It represents the most sumptuous example of the traditional art or Chinese architecture.

Other halls deserving to be called Dian were mostly buildings where imperial sacrifices took place. Tiankuangdian, mentioned before, was the hall in which the emperors worshipped the God of Mt. Taishan. Qiniandian in Beijing's Temple of Heaven, famous for its unique structure, was where the emperors prayed for good harvest and has been known as the "Hall of Prayer" among Westerners. For the worship of their ancestors the Imperial Family Temple lying to the east of Tiananmen Gate.

The above example suffices to show that the name Dian or Dadian was reserved only for certain buildings related to the supreme ruler.

To see the beautiful ancient Chinese-style halls, please book the Beijing private tour packages!

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