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An Arrow that Pierced through Three Hills

In the Han's court, an aged high official lay prostrate before the emperor and submitted a memorial to the throne. "I have received a report from the border, our Majesty," he said, "the situation is critical there. Please make a prompt decision as to what is to be done."

This memorial concerned the losing of Han's territory. The emperor was worried. He took over the memorial and began to read it. Ah! The invader was only the Xu Tu's, a tiny neighboring country in the south. The emperor was at ease again. After thinking for a moment, he said thoughtfully: "Pass my words, all civil and military officials be gathered here to talk the matter ever."

After a while, all officials gathered before the throne. The emperor said:"Now, there is trouble in the south. Who would bring an army there to defend our motherland and people?" at this, an aged general with silvery hair and a long beard came forward and answered with a bow:"I would, Your Majesty!" He was none but the battle-seasoned General Ma Yuan, entitled General Fu Bo.

"How old are you?" inquired the emperor, showing deep concern.

"I am still young, only 99 years old." the general replied humorously.

"You call 99 still young?" asked the emperor with a smile.

"Oh! Your Majesty. I am old, but I am still vigorous and in good health. I would rather die in the battlefield and let my horse carry my corpse back!" answered the general.

"In my opinion, you are too old for the battlefield. Batter go home to take care of your grandchildren." said the emperor.

Seeing that the emperor would not grant his request, the general went toward a chair in the hall, took it up and threw it on the ground. The sturdy sandalwood chair broke into two instantly. All officials present were amazed and said:"Old General, you are as brave as ever." The emperor was happy beyond all expectations. He handed the grand seal for the expeditionary army to the general personally. Then, the General FU Bo put on his armor, brought with him a hundred thousand brave soldiers and rushed day and night to the southern border.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Xu Tu wanted to find out about the Hans. Hypocritically, the King of Xu Tu hastily sent a messenger, under the pretext of paying tribute to the Han emperor, to the Han's court. Unexpectedly, the messenger met with general Ma Yuan at Guilin. Knowing that the Han emperor had sent a hundred thousand troops to fight against the invasion, and especially with the well-known, heroic and brave General Fu Bo as their commander-in-chief, the messenger was very much frightened and didn't know what to do.

However, finally he hit upon a stratagem. Bringing a handful of jewelry with him, he went and asked for an audience with the general. General Fu Bo agreed and held a banquet in the Pearl-returning Cave, treated the messenger with due courtesy. At first sight, the messenger wouldn't believe his eyes. The famous general was no a gallant and robust warrior, but a doddering and shaky old man! The fear which once got hold of him gradually disappeared, and he assumed even an air of arrogance. During the banquet, the General Fu Bo was light-hearted and conducted a lively conversation with the messenger. After having drunk a few cups of wine and slightly tipsy, the general walked leisurely forward and said to the aide-de-camp:

"Bring my 'Kunwu' double-edged sword to me! Lit me test it on this rock."

At this, he flung the sword towards a stone pillar and cut through it at its base. The messenger was stunned and turned pale with fear. But he feigned to be calm and composed, and, beaming with hypocrtic smile, he said:

"Bravo! Old general! How gallant and brave you are. Your reputation is evidently well deserved. How I admire you." Then, he said "I have come here to negotiate peace with you, I request the honor of your consent."

"Negotiate peace? Sure! But with one condition, that is, you must evacuate your troops from our territory."

The messenger dared not disagree. He asked: "To what extent must our troops retreat?"

"As far as my arrow goes. The General Fu Bo answered, quite determined.

The messenger was happy, he thought that, Guilin was surrounded on all directions by high mountains. The arrow won't fly more than 100 li, even if were a magic one. Therefore, he concurred.

Unhurriedly, the General Fu Bo ascended to the top of the hill and plucked his bow. And phew! The arrow went straight ahead, pierced through the Piercing Through Hill, the Moon Hill in the Land of Peach Blossoms, the Bright Moon Hill, and then fell on Feng Mao Range. At the touch of the arrow, grass in Feng Mao Range divided automatically into two parts. Then, the General Fu Bo asked the messenger to go and have a look, saying:

"Your troops must retreat to where the arrow fell."

The messenger knew that the situation was unfavorable to him and ran away hastily with his tail between his legs. When he reached the border, to his astonishment, the arrow stood like a steel pillar on the borderline. The messenger couldn't but ordered his troops to retreat to his own territory.

Thus, people called the hanging pillar in the "Pearl Returning Cave" the "Rock for Testing Sword" and named the hill on top of which the General Fu Bo shot his arrow "Fu Bo Hill".

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