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Home > Travel News > Heavy Repair to Beijing Great Wall and New Zoological Attraction Built Meanwhile

Heavy Repair to Beijing Great Wall and New Zoological Attraction Built Meanwhile


The first heavy repair is made to the section of Huaunghuacheng Great Wall in Beijing since the Ming Dynasty. The repair project is launched by Beijing government and costs more than 120 million CNY. It take 1 year to finish the work. When the project finished, Huaunghuacheng section will be open to the public as the fifth attraction of Great Wall in Beijing.

The Huaunghuacheng Great Wall has a length of 12.4 km (Great Wall within Beijing area is 629 km long). The repair work cover 4 km long and includes 13 stories buildings, 2 city gates, 2 stages,1solid paltform,3 little castles, 3300 mterers’ wal, which is completed by three stages.

How to repair Great Wall? The Huaunghuacheng Great Wall has an architectural style similar to the Badaling section. The wall was mainly built with stones and bricks some 500 years ago. Without architectural drawing in the Ming Dynasty, how can the repair work be put into practice?

Before the project plan came out, the experienced experts have carried out surveys on the spot. The project was discussed and the Great Wall section was comfirmed to be reinforced or pinned up, and not rebuilt like Badaling and Mutianyu sections.

Marrially, all scattered old stones and bricks must be collected and are made full of use at first, although which is not enough. Then the new granites, bricks and more are selected according to old standards. It is estimated that 0.13 million wall bricks, 356 tons of granites, 623 tons of lime and 424 tons of sand has been used at the first stage of work. Groups of mule are used to move heavey materials to the working site.

Technically, the lime is made by ancient craft into bond. The stones and bricks are felted solidly by the bond, which is much better than cement. Absolutely no cement is used there.

When the repairt work is finished, the Huaunghuacheng Great Wall will open partly to tourists. It can draw a part of Great Wall visitors and lighten the crowd of visitors at Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai Great Wall. It is good for protection of all sections of Great Wall in Beijing.

(Issuee on Mar. 30th, 2009, by China Fact Tours)

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