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Home > Travel News > Namtso Lake Become Top Attraction in Tibet

Namtso Lake Become Top Attraction in Tibet


According to Huxing, reporter of Xinhua Net on May 24th, the Namtso Lake (Holy Lake in Tibetan minds) has become the hot tourist spot in Tibet with the increasing publicizing efforts and the constant improvements of service facilities. For years, The Tibetan Tourism authority has endeavored to make Namtso Lake become an altiplano lake eco-tourism destination with the international standard.

According to the survey of the Lhasa Tourism Bureau, 99% of the tourists who trip to Tibet take Lhasa as their top tour destination, among the famous attractions of the Lasha area, the Namusto Lake in Dangxiong County has become the hottest one in the area.

The facilities of the Namtso Lake scenic area improved a lot according to the Lhasa Tourism Bureau. The road from Dangxiong to the lake was improved, which provides safety control for the cars. Standardized tourist shops, stores, restaurants and sanitary water closets alongside the roads and tourist attractions are being established in succession. The level of tourist service is upgraded.

The local government has discarded three brandnames in recent years for its tourism, namely "Sanctity", "Folk-Custom" and "Sportsmanship". Apart from utilizing the lake's holy and unvarnished natural altiplano environment, the local government sponsors the Dangxiong Horse Race on the lakeside of Namtso Lake so as to strengthen the cultural taste of the lake scenic area. At present, the Dongxiong Horse Race Aassociation is applying for the national Immateriality Cultural Heritage.

In addition, the Namtso International Hiking Meeting has been held two times, it has brought about deep impact on the world, the Lasha government will go on to develop this brandname.


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