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Lijiang Cuisine

What to Eat in Lijiang City?
Lijiang of Yunnan is a cultural destination with delicious food. Most of the good restaurants in Lijiang are located in the old town, and many have very high standards of cooking, producing a wealth of tasty local specialties and dishes. The food is wonderful, but almost as important, it is accessible to foreigners with English and pictorial menus available at most restaurants. Because of its proximity to Sichuan, hot pot was ubiquitous.

Lijiang Yak Meat
Yak meat, a local specialty, was ubiquitous. Peppered among the other souvenir shops, yak meat stores were were doing a brisk business and offered displays much like those in Italy (substituting yak for ham hock ) as well as vats of yak meat prepared fifty different ways. One could also purchase small colorful packages containing individually wrapped morsels to take home to friends and loved ones.

Lijiang Snacks
Street food and snacks were also very popular with pots of simmering goodies dotting the small lanes. Naxi pancakes (looked much like Northwest Indian fry bread), deep fried dragon flies, and so on.

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