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Rock Climbing in Yangshuo

Yangshuo has been the rock climbing Mecca of China during the last decade, with over 70,000 unique karst peaks there is an almost endless opportunity for new routes to be bolted and crags to be explored. Because of the diversity of peaks, climbers of all levels can practice their climbing skills and in Yangshuo there is also a range of climbing companies, clubs, shops or schools to choose from. If you are an absolute beginner or an expert climber looking to do some traditional climbing Yangshuo has it all.

There are a number of rock climbing companies in Yangshuo that rent out equipment, offer rock climbing lessons and guiding services and provide information on routes. If you want to organize a tour then it's a good idea to contact China Fact Tours in advance.

Rock Climbing in Yangshuo, Guilin Tours

Rock Climbing in Yangshuo, Guilin ToursRock Climbing in Yangshuo, Guilin Tours

Recommended Climbing Schools/Companies/Shops/Clubs in Yangshuo

Yangshuo Mountain Retreat
Yangshuo Mountain Retreat (YSMR) is an excellent base for all those budding climbers wanting to explore the crags in the area. It is located right in the heart of the peaks with Tongmen Hill only a stone throw away and Moon Hill, a 30-minute bike ride through the local villages and rice fields.

Chinaclimb is the first and leading rock climbing guiding company in China. Formed back in 2000 by two Australian mates and one of China's top climbers, Chinaclimb is now staffed by a multi-national team who are passionate about adventure.
Address: 45 Xianqian Jie, Yangshuo

Karst Climber
Karst Climber is also called Karst Café. This cafe, hotel and climb guiding center is one of the pioneers of rock climbing in Yangshuo, and has introduced over 300 groups to the stunning climbing opportunities offered in Yangsdhuo County. The club was established in 1999 and provides a wide range of climbing trips, offering professional climbing services and guides. Their English and Chinese speaking guides cater to all levels so whether you are an old hand or just want to try your hand, Karst Café can assist.
Address: 42 Xianqian Jie, Yangshuo

X-climber climbing started in 2002 with one local climber's dream, to make a safe and fun climbing company where he could pass on his experience to others. The company has experienced rock climbing guides (both foreign and Chinese) who can take you climbing on any one of the many beautiful mountains around Yangshuo.
Address: 29 Guihua Lu (a right turn then a left turn before the start of West Street).

Spiderman Climbing
Spiderman Climbing (marked with a conspicuous sign) is located on Xianqian Road (the first cross street off West Street as you come up from the river). This famous reliable rock climbing company provides very good climbing trips.

Black Rock Climbing
Located on 19 Guihua Lu, the Yangshuo Black Rock Climbing Club provides rock climbing guidance, climbing courses, gears, tour packages and group development program.

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