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Yinshui Dong Village

Yinshui Dong Village is situated in west (2km) Longsheng County, about 89km away from Guilin. The 'Yinshui' in the name, which means 'silver water' in Chinese, originates from a silver-like waterfall in the hill behind the village and a silver-glittering lake in front of the village.

Two kinds of wooden buildings feature this Dong Village. One is the drum-tower building groups with square piled-eave, knife-edged tile corner on the roof; another is the famous Wind and Rain Bridge integrating the typical style of bridge, pavilion and gallery. These buildings are the symbols of the Dong village.

Yinshui Dong Village, Guilin Tours

Yinshui Dong Village, Guilin ToursYinshui Dong Village, Guilin Tours

Dong minority is a distinctive member of the Chinese ethnic groups. A group of Dong people whose family name is Wu settled in Yinshui village as early as the last years of the Tang Dynasty or the early years of the Song Dynasty. They lived and worked in peace and contentment after several generations. The whole village was thriving and prosperous in all aspects.

Until 1737, the 82th header of Dong people revolted against the tyrannical ruler of the Qing Dynasty. Unfortunately, the Dong people's uprising was cruelly put down. For this successful suppression, the ruler gave the county (where the Dong Village was under controlled) a new name (current name) 'Longshen'. This Chinese name means dragon's victory (in ancient China, the emperor is regarded as the son of dragon). From then on, the Dong village came down dramatically from failure of the uprising although it survived partly. The ancient Dong village came to prosperity again in 1990s because of local tourism development.

Yinshui Dong Village, Guilin Tours

Yinshui Dong Village, Guilin ToursYinshui Dong Village, Guilin Tours

Today, Dong people in the village still keep their old folk customs. Visit this village, you will cannot help mouthwatering for the three acids - acid pork, acid fish and acid duck; you will be attracted by the aboriginal Dong folk songs, dances, love stories and more, you will enjoy yourself so much as to forget to go home.

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